I must add, I came home from a day dealing with bureaucracy and red tape to find this swirling on my feed. I listened to the audio so, my fiance could hear (a writer editor a person who studies writing theory, prose), I on the other hand, I'm in discovery like a slow burn. When I listened and read it, a film projected in my mind, 35 mm you know those theaters are scarce these days. The scene played and died with me, but in the end I felt inspired. It was quite lovely.

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Happy this thing swirled in your direction. I love it when stories project like this. Flickering across synaptic gaps and lurching to life like a wind up monster. I am humbly flattered by your reactions. Thank you.

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That was really fantastic! And it's such a great setting with all those huge, strangely hypnotic machines, too, which makes the last line, "Sleep well", all the more mysterious and intriguing. Very nicely done... 😎

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Thank you Chris. I love laundromats. You’re right, they are mysterious places

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Listening to this was a treat. A weird, wonderful treat. The humor and pathos and just a little foreboding worked so well.

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Ooh thank you. If i achieved pathos and humor, youve made my day.

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This is wonderful! I've done my time (interminable boredom and weird anxiety) in laundromats without anything this magical happening. And now it has!

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Thank you Liz. Next time check the traps.

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What genre is this? Because I think it might be my favorite and I need to know how to find more stories like yours. Or better, just keep writing them so I have more to read! I loved this so much.

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I will keep em coming. Thank you for reading. It makes me skip around a little when I walk.

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