Jon, I think this might be your best piece outside of 'Obliteration Fugue'. Maybe better with the music and the incorporation of the platform's formatting. I'm going to give it a couple days digestion, then have a second read. The tone changes immediately after the first interview; lots to unpack. Fantastic stuff.

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Wow. Thanks Sam. Always so appreciative of your thoughtful comments. It was a fun ride this one. Though making that shift was difficult. Took a few runs at it. But yeah. My thinking was the more the prota listened to stuff, the more hypno culto insano in the membrano theyd become.

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This is so fucking rad. 🤘

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Dear editor, I tried to generate a message that evoked the end of the world in a snarling apocalypse and all I got was FLUFFY BUNNY LUVS WOO... Something wrong surely?

Rad music though I'm puzzled about what the backwards lyrics are. My mommy says it's evil but I think it's just friendly tips on dieting

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You forgot to blow three kisses and turn counterclockwise in a pool of red Jell-O

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Scouring eBay for a velvet poster.

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🤘🤘🤘This makes Norwegian black metal kids burning down churches look like they never left the sandbox. Killer.

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Umbranox eats Norwegian black metal kids in between snacks. Halfway between celestial goat virgins and apple sauce.

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If the world doesn’t end this way I’m going to be so disappointed. What you do is impressive on so many levels🤘

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your use of multimedia sets a new bar for what people could be doing with substack. i’m blown away.

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oh and BTW if anyone wants to multi their media in some way, give me a shout.

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oh thank you!

I like my media MULTI - OMNI - PARA - GIGA

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Thank you - 💔

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