
I am no scientist but the research and then subsequent tangental research i did for a lot of this story was so rewarding and satisfying on its own. From extremophiles to Indian ragas to psychedelics. Sometimes I think this why I love to write so I can learn nee things. Appreciate your comments and hope the puzzle pays off in the end.

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Okay gosh, SO MUCH TO SAY. Let's start with...

1. I love how you've laced a musical angle into this

2. I have said in the past (you may have read it even) that real science in sci-fi is the scaffold that we build around our creation to make big stretches and speculation through. You have created a beautiful fascinating statue within and beyond this scientific scaffolding that I'm loving. The mixture of science and mysticism is beautiful.

3. You were 100% right when you said I'd enjoy the world building. My brain just wants to put this all together like a little puzzle.

Thank you for this hit of surrealism, couldn't appreciate it more!

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As usual, some wonderful descriptions and very gripping writing. :)

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Thank you Michael. I aim to grip.

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