Jun 14Liked by Jon T, A.P. Murphy

I guess I will wait a while before I have my nutrient broth this morning….a roiling swamp of a story, let’s go swimming.

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Jun 18Liked by Jon T, A.P. Murphy

Lordy lordy lordy this was nutritious. Never let up the whole time, doused me in the most pleasant linguistic soup. "hopscotched my way watchful to the kill site" is a gem

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That partiicular phrase is also a good example of our collab system - it was generated by one and overlaid by the other to produce that particular cadence.

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Ah I was curious about how the collab worked. Can you say more about that?

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We're gonna have a little session on that once Part 3 is up, we have a mini essay on it and everything. Will be inviting questions and contributions. So, soon.

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Thank you Will. Stay hungry.

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A triumph of a collaboration! This is one big high from start to finish. That performance review is so brilliant!! Major Mad God/Eraserhead vibes. Loved, loved, loved this! But I knew I would. I'm keeping part two for later!

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Thanks, Mad God is a particularly good call. Eraserhead is far lost in the mists of memory but is due a rewatch any day now. Could easily be there in the subconscious, which never forgets but transmutes everything.

My thing on Mad God from last year:


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I've saved it. Mad God was a fascinating piece (that bummed me out for a full week), came to me immediately while reading this. Can't wait to see your take on it. Eraserhead was Lynch. Don't know why but this reminds me of some qualities that movie had as well. Mark of genius, I'm sure. Because both those movies are masterpieces.

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A very gripping, eerie, and evocative piece. Some really great writing :)

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Thanks Michael, very happy you enjoyed it - more on the way soon.

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Thank you Michael. Just published Part 2. Very pleased you like it.

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Jun 14Liked by Jon T, A.P. Murphy

You guys simultaneously blew my mind and made my intermittent fasting way easier. Thanks and thanks. Loving the vids and the presentation. A marriage made in biomechanical heaven.

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Jun 14Liked by Jon T, A.P. Murphy

Wow.. with the embedded videos and the closing picture, this piece is like a whole new art form. Is this a one-off or are you guys planning more?

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This is part one of a three parter. We also have a short ‘making of’ post.

As far as more goes, who knows. Maybe if i can find my way back from the outland.

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Thanks for that, I think it's not so new but really in the tradition of such folks as J.G. Ballard who was happy to make video pieces with his buds in the BBC and elsewhere to accompany his written work.

There's this on The Atrocity Exhibition/Crash from 1970:


There have been others doing similar things, but speaking for myself, mid-period Ballard is a great reference both in theme, style and approach.

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Jun 14Liked by Jon T, A.P. Murphy

I like his Crash as well. I know he cannibalized AE for that novel. An underrated work. It showed me how to marry the ugly and the beautiful. Haven't been the same since.

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Jun 14Liked by Jon T, A.P. Murphy

I loved The Atrocity Exhibition!

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It's like a drug for me. I have a very nice annotated edition and over the years I've collected all the associated images that are mentioned in the text. It makes a wicked collage when assembled.

My updated version of "Why I'd like to fuck Ronald Reagan" from Ballard's book, starring you-know-who, is a sick but wonderful thing.

Meanwhile there's an interesting - not good but interesting - film made of the book.

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The fetishization of everything. The alchemy of everything. Ontology in overdrive. In other words, a wonderful way to live.

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I’m stuttering internally. The.. what? The… how?

Trully imagination is an unpredictable beast. Thank you.

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Thanks Katherine, you win the coveted Jellyfish Cap for making the first comment on this piece.

Because it's an appreciative comment, we even cut off the stinging tentacles.

Pass by the guest shop on your way out and pick up your very own neck slug for all your mind control needs.

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Call me a hedonist, i picked up 2️⃣

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Awww you shouldn’t have…🪼🐌

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Fuckin A mane. Ya blowin my mind.

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