Something a little different for Sci-Friday this week. I was hoping to post Part2 of Ditch Rockets of San Bartolo but the characters aren’t cooperating. And so it goes. Hope you enjoy a little song from the archive.
Black desert night, in secret
Ship lands and arms so sweetly
Lift us to the heavenly
That hang from stars, like ovaries
We drift with our memories and
Observe from overneath
The land, our home, it’s subtleties
Oh Earth I belong
Earth I belong to you
No color permutations
No dust to cut a nation
Figments of our own creation
No astronaut invasion
So on with the journey racing
Each star we hug erasing
Hold on to it’s energy
Oh Earth I belong
Earth I belong
Earth I belong to you
And way out here I see
Only vacancy
Teardrops that hang like a globe
Black desert night, in secret
Ship lands and arms so sweetly
Lift us to the heavenly
That hang from stars, like ovaries
We drift with our memories and
Observe from overneath
The land, our home, it’s subtleties
Oh Earth I belong
Earth I belong
Earth I belong to you
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